Welcome to Flight Sim Test Pilot

| Thursday, March 12, 2009

You will find original articles about flight simming here on Flight Sim Test Pilot (www.flight-sim-test-pilot.blogspot.com). 

I'm not a real life pilot, but I am an avid flight sim pilot, and have been flight simming since I was 12 years old. I did have a brief stint of about 30 hours in a real Piper Warrior and I went solo when I was 16 but then encountered medical issues and haven't flown since then. Now 6 years later I've almost completed my BA in Software Engineering here in Australia. So there, I've shared with you a little about myself.

EDIT: I have previously blogged with Wordpress, so Blogger is a bit new to me. You may notice I have a bit of difficulty with the consistency of the font type/color and also with the layout. Hopefully I'll get to know Blogger better with time and better format the posts.


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